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"Normal" Pregnancy Pains
Most mamas when they come in for care report they're experiencing "normal pregnancy pains." But is it normal?...

Proper Motion in Pregnancy
Children, laundry, carseats... it's tough to avoid lifting things in everyday life! Some methods leave our spines the worse for the wear...

Your Due (Best Guess) Date can't help but countdown the days until that date arrives. But, is that magical date when your baby will arrive?

Resting Posture
Our body adapts to what we do consistently, so moving well and resting well are important in keeping you feeling great!

Proactive Pubic Joint Relief
The pubic symphysis can receive a lot of tension during pregnancy. A few simple movements can help!

Prenatal Mobility & Movement
Mobility and movement support the changes that occur in your body during pregnancy.

Intro to the Exercise Ball
Using an exercise ball has so many benefits for pregnant women, from improving posture to creating motion in the pelvis!

Belly Breathing
In pregnancy, we tend to “run out of room” and that affects our breathing; we breathe more up in our chest less down in our belly...

Top 10 Tips for a Gentle Cesarean
...changes in the environment and a focus on more than the physical state of the mother and baby during this birth make a major difference..

Preparing for a Cesarean Birth with Chiropractic Care
If you have a cesarean, do you need prenatal chiropractic care? What's the point if your baby isn't going to pass through your pelvis?
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