I know you’ve seen it… You can’t research health habits or products or even scroll on social media without seeing something about regulating your nervous system. It seems like everyone is talking about it these days! So what are they referring to and why does it matter at all?

Every single experience in your life is only possible because of your nervous system.
What is the nervous system?
The nervous system is the major controlling, regulatory, and communicating system in the body. It consists of the brain, spinal cord, and nerves. The nerves are the connection between the brain and the rest of the body.
Nerves carry and process information. The nerves are divided into the somatic nervous system (controls voluntary muscle movement and carries sensory information) and autonomic nervous system (controls involuntary body function).
Somatic: Walking, laughing, hugging, smelling, tasting, hearing...
Autonomic: Your heartbeat, breath, blood pressure, digestion...
The autonomic nerves have two branches:
Sympathetic (fight or flight) and parasympathetic (rest and digest) that work together to regulate homeostasis, or balance in the systems of the body.
Sympathetic: aroused, expends energy
Parasympathetic: calm, conserves energy
Nervous system behavior.
Have you ever wondered what causes imbalance in the nervous system? Why two people can go through the same experience, yet have very different responses?
The foundation of your nervous system is influenced before you're even born, when you are in your mother's womb - her environment and how she responded to it, gave your nervous system information.
Nervous system dysregulation.
Everyone was born so does that mean everyone has a dysregulated nervous system?
When we have physical trauma, an emotional stressor (bad or good), are in a stressful environment, or are simply taking in information that is overwhelming - the result is an inability to adapt and a dysregulated nervous system
So yes, to some degree, everyone has some sort of dysregulation, but the effects of that are not often understood.
The nervous system controls everything.
Remember, your body and brain are connected by your nerves.
When there's stress or imbalance in the nervous system, it alters your perception of your experiences, and limits your ability to adapt and respond.
A dysregulated nervous system restricts you from reaching the full potential of a happy, healthy, fulfilled life.

Even though this seems trendy, the reality is your nervous system began developing just a few weeks after conception, and chiropractors have been talking about and supporting nervous system health for over a hundred years.
But we’re glad everyone else is getting on board with it, because it really is that big of a deal.