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The Journey From Chaos To Calm

Think about the route you take from home to work, school, the store… it’s probably pretty much the same every time. So much so that if I told you there was a better route, you may be resistant to even try it, and you more than likely would overthink something as simple as taking a different road than you’re used to.

But let’s imagine you do try it, and find that it’s a smoother drive, you feel calmer going that way, and you’re happy when you choose the new route.

Then one day you’re having the craziest morning… the hot water tank goes out while you’re in the shower, then the kids needed your attention while you were making breakfast - which burned - so the smoke detector is going off and you have to calm down your children who aren’t used to that noise (and frankly it’s not doing your nerves any favors). Needless to say, you leave the house frazzled and late. 

You begin driving really without even thinking, and you’re several minutes in before realizing you’re back on your original, bumpy, more stressful route.

Why? Wouldn’t it make more sense to choose the calmer route? Especially on a day like that! Your subconscious chose the familiar route, even though it wasn’t the better one. 

This is why you feel resistant to change, even when you know it’s for your good. Your body would rather stay in familiar chaos than move into a calmer new environment.

This is true in our actions, it’s true in our thoughts. And since our thoughts precede action, that’s where change can happen.

But you can’t just quit negative thoughts cold turkey. As soon as stress rises, you’re back on the familiar train of thought. Instead, let those thoughts come as they inevitably will… but stop them, question them, reframe them.

For example…

Thought: I’m not doing enough.

Question: enough to do or be what? Compared to who or what?

Reframe: I’m not doing enough to be perfect, but persistence is what moves me forward, not perfection.

Just like with any muscle in your body, the changes you want to see come by putting in the reps. And you have opportunity all day every day to take note of the train of thought in your mind, and choose what route you want it to take.


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